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It is true that people who rise to the top of their businesses or organizations and who gain prominence in their professions share one common trait – they are people who learned how to communicate effectively!

Now, this new audio and video program called Success Talk: The Speaking Secrets of Winston Churchill and Other Great Leaders by James C. Humes reveals the simple, easy to apply secrets that will make you a powerhouse communicator – in the company staff meeting, at your local civic association, or in front of any group of people from two to 200,000 or more.

The program has been prepared by James C. Humes, the famous presidential speech writer who even wrote the words left by the astronauts on the moon.

Remember, if you don’t know how to speak with power and confidence, you are putting yourself at a severe disadvantage professionally – with implications for your financial well being.

Advice to Churchill: Avoid the Public!

James Humes

James’s Humes Success Talk program tells of a young man who was such a poor speaker, handicapped with both dyslexia and stuttering, a young man who was rejected from college. His teachers gently advised, because of his difficulty communicating, to avoid any career dealing with the public.

This young man was Winston Churchill! The very same Churchill who went on to become one of the greatest speakers of all time; the same man, through the power of his spoken word, rallied his nation and the Free World to defeat Hitler.

Now James Humes reveals the speaking secrets of Winston Churchill and other leaders – and shows the easy ways you can practically apply these secrets in your daily life – to improve your relationships, to better your career and even to increase your financial potential!

Study after study shows that your communication skills are the key to your advancement. The newsletter Bottom Line Personal recently stated: “As an executive reaches middle-management and beyond, the primary criteria for advancement are communication and motivation skills rather than basic job performance.”

Save $50,000! (That’s what major corporations have paid to learn the Success Talk secrets from author James Humes!)

With the Success Talk Program, available on audio tape set or video, you will learn the speaking secrets of Winston Churchill. James Humes reveal these easy-to-remember techniques that Churchill used to become a powerful, persuasive speaker. 

Who is James C. Humes? Only one man has the distinction of having written the words placed by the Apollo astronauts on the moon: “. . . We came in peace for all mankind.”

Speechwriter and advisor to five U.S. presidents, historian, lawyer, professor, actor and legislator, Humes has made himself a success and has helped countless others achieve success throughout the world. Corporations like IBM, General Electric and others have paid James Humes his standard program fee(open rate of $50,000) to give his Success Talk program — the same program you can get today for less than $100!

Added Bonus – Free $30 Success Talk Book

If you order the Success Talk program, we’ll also include a free soft cover book by James Humes: “Success Talk: How to become an effective communicator.” This will only help you reinforce the powerful, new information you’ll learn from the Success Talk program.

In Success Talk Humes reveals the speaking secrets of Churchill and other great leaders like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher  and turns them into easy-to-follow lessons and exercises that you can use in your daily life to persuade, sell, motivate and win!

You can succeed in life, business, in politics, in love – in every walk of life – by learning to become a better communicator! And don’t forget, this product comes with a complete money-back guarantee – so order today!


The SuccessTalk Program on
4 VHS Videotapes
with FREE Success Talk Book
Our Price: $99.95
Product No. E-28-100


The SuccessTalk Program on
4 Audiocassette Tapes
with FREE Success Talk Book
Our Price: $79.95
Product No. E-28-101