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By ZamChro Correspondent


LUSAKA, March 23 — Lusaka, the Zambian capital, which is experiencing a cholera outbreak, has recorded new cases linked to the heavy rains experienced in the last one week, Zambia News and Information Service (ZANIS) reported on Monday.


Zambian Capital - Lusaka

Zambian Capital - Lusaka

A senior government official said the city recorded 27 new cholera cases as of Sunday. Lusaka District Commissioner, Christah Kalulu, attributed the emergence of new cases to the continuous rainfall that has been experienced in the past few days, ZANIS said.



She said the district has currently an accumulative figure of 102 cholera cases under treatment at its two treatment centers.


Kalulu who is also Lusaka District Disaster Management Committee Chairperson, said the uncharacteristic change in the rainfall patterns has impacted negatively on the sanitary conditions in most parts of the district especially those prone to the outbreak, according to ZANIS.


She was speaking after touring the water tanks that have been set up in cholera affected townships, according to ZANIS.


She said government will continue with its interventions by providing clean water and distributing free chlorine to residents in the affected areas.


She however commended the communities and civil leaders for their cooperation with government in averting the further spread of the disease in the district.


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